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Leak Detection Service
If we can't find it, we won’t charge
Have you ever had to arrange for a plumber to come and help locate a leak, which resulted in them not being able to find one?
Don’t panic – that is where our team of specialist’s come to the rescue using their advance knowledge, skills and equipment.
At Guildford Plumbing and Heating Ltd, it is our job to detect and find a solution for any leak that you may be unable to detect.
Be it from a main’s supply, water feed, waste or heating system, we can help! We combine both experience and specialist equipment, with the combination of both we can perform this task with a success rate of 99.8% of finding leaks.

Underground water leak detection
SNIFFER430 readily detects water leaks in underground plastic, or metal piping. Leaks are detected under different types of soils, grass, or stone pavements with high reliability and at a significant depth.
Sniffer430 is very effective in underfloor water leak detection. High sensor sensitivity allows fast detection of the smallest water leaks under wooden, ceramic tile and other types of flooring.

Underfloor water leak detection
Sniffer430 is very effective in underfloor water leak detection. High sensor sensitivity allows fast detection of the smallest water leaks under wooden, ceramic tile and other types of flooring
Further information
Do you often find that you have to constantly top up your boiler pressure? This may be is a sign that there is a leak on your central heating system or boiler.
Most times, the biggest scare is not the leak, but the damage and disruption caused in fixing the leak and the cost of restoration work to restore your home to a normal condition. In the case of a leak, it is best to get one of our engineers to take a quick look as a leak will cause permanent damage to your home, boiler and heating system if not resolved quickly. Quickly undertaking accurate heating leak detection will prevent the damage to the system and your home. We are experienced in dealing with finding these leaks, providing reports which you can then pass onto the insurance companies.
Most common leaks are radiators which rapidly rust, causing blockages. Eventually, radiators rust through causing a very expensive repair. In cold weather however, lack of heating can cause a burst pipe adding insult to injury
The use of leak seal is never permanent as this attaches to the rust which causes further problems.
Random lifting or digging up floors in a ‘lucky find’ effort to find a central heating leak adds costs and damages often into the thousands, but it does not need to be this difficult if you call us in the first instance.
Most insurance companies cover the cost of trace and access for complicated heating leaks, which means they’ll reimburse you for the cost of our call out to come and find a leak.
We also deal alongside property claims management companies across the UK who deal with insurance claims, so if you need help restoring your home please ask an advisor for more information.
Rest assured as we will do our best to make sure you are happy and content with the service we provide.
We can locate leaks internally under
Wooden flooring
Laminate flooring
Ceramic or vinyl tiled floors
Rugs and Decorative coverings
Carpeted floors
Concrete flooring
Amtico or Vinyl flooring
Lino flooring
We have skilled engineers to find heating leaks without ripping out your floorboards, walls and ceilings; we can even go through solid concrete if needed
Watch the Leak detection system in action.
The Sniffer430 is the superior water leak detector for fast, confident, and precise water leak detection underground, under a slab, or in walls.
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